We take pride in introducing ourselves as Eastern India's foremost facility management organization rendering exclusive facility management services all over India. All our facility management services come from personnel who are intelligent, trustworthy and fully trained in their duties. They are generally between the age group of 25 - 45 years and have adequate educational qualifications required in connection with their duties. Brief Outline of the Duties & Responsibilities of the Facility Management Staff:

  • Facility Manager (FM) / Maintenance Officers
    • As the Captain of the Ship holds total responsibility of each area of operation, viz. Security, Housekeeping, M&E, and Community Hall. Besides general administration, FM is also responsible for accounts related matters (billing management system) and co-ordination with the local authorities like Police Stations, Fire Station, Municipality, etc. In addition to other important agencies. FM is also the chief coordinator between the Client and the Maintenance Company: reporting to the head of the Maintenance Company and the client.
  • Security Supervisor (SS)
    • As is the key responsible person concerning the safety and security of the entire site. All the guards in each shift will be under his supervision and will be rendering their duties as per his scope of work. SS is trained in Fire Safety & Drill Operations. Responsible for turnout, order & discipline of the deployed guards & operational security equipment on site, the SS is the heart of the safety of the premises.
  • Security Guards (SG)
    • SG will be well conversant with the regular security and protection of the Complex as per the scope of work and approved operating procedure of the FM Office.
  • Housekeeping Supervisor (HS) & the Housekeeping Team
    • HS is responsible for the cleanliness and wellness of the entire Complex. He generates and maintains the Cleaning Schedule, Cleaning SOP & Inventory including the turnout, discipline and the behaviour of the houseboys.
  • Electrician / STP Operator
    • An operator is conversant with all kinds of electrical jobs (common areas only), like checking the common area meters, operation of gensets and lifts, switchboards, fuse, and overall power & lighting system as per the scope of work.
  • Plumber / Gardener
    • He is conversant and trained with all types of plumbing & gardening jobs.
  • Documentation & Billing
    • He is conversant and trained with all types of plumbing & gardening jobs.